8/6.7額田大志×山下恵実『FURUMAiiiiiiiiiiiiiii』/8/31~10/31 アーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム2022
リノベーション事業を手掛ける株式会社インテリックス (東京都渋谷区 代表取締役社長 俊成誠司)は、若手アーティストの活動支援等を行う京都芸術センター(公益財団法人京都市芸術文化協会)に協賛いたしましたことをお知らせいたします。
■インテリックスグループのMISSION 「人と社会と新しい価値をつなぎ幸せをつくる」
協賛イベント 1
【日時】2022年8月6日(土)、8月7日(日) 各日13:00/17:00
【会場】京都芸術センター 各所
▷Co-Program2022 カテゴリーA「共同制作」採択企画
協賛イベント 2
Jenna Lee(ジェナ・リー):オーストラリア・シドニーを拠点に活動するアーティスト。日本人、中国人、フィリピン人などの祖先を持つ彼女は、多くの国籍や文化が折り重なる自身のアイデンティティを探求する作品を制作している。
株式会社インテリックス https://www.intellex.co.jp/
- 【代 表 者】代表取締役社長 俊成誠司
- 【本社所在地】東京都渋谷区渋谷2-12-19
- 【資 本 金】 22億53百万円
- 【設 立】 1995年7月
- 【上場取引所】東京証券取引所 プライム市場(証券コード8940)
- 【主な事業内容】 リノベーション事業分野、ソリューション事業分野、その他不動産関連事業
- 【営業拠点】札幌 / 仙台 / さいたま大宮 / 東京日本橋 / 横浜 / 名古屋 / 大阪 / 京都 / 広島 / 福岡
8/6.7 Nukata Masashi and Yamashita Megumi’s “FURUMAiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”
8/31-10/31 KAC Artist in Residence Program 2022
INTELLEX Corporation (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Toshinari Seiji ), a company renovating condominiums across Japan, announces its cooperation with KYOTO ART CENTER (Kyoto Arts Foundation), an organization that supports the activities of young artists.
KYOTO ART CENTER supports the creative activities and works of young artists regardless of genre. It provides artists with a place to create their works free of charge as well as opportunities for artists from in and outside of Japan to create works in Kyoto. As a corporate sponsor, INTELLEX is supporting the performances by Nukata Masashi and Yamashita Megumi, who will stay and work in Kyoto from July 18 to August 7, as well as Australian artist Jenna Lee who stays with the Center’s artist-in-residence program from August 31 to October 31, 2022.
In the past, the Japanese housing market only focused on partial remodeling, but with the arrival of Intellex, a new value was added to the remodeling of condominiums. We hope to connect products, services, and technologies in a society that is changing at a dizzying pace, and with it help people to lead a happier life, matching them as an individual. We are proud to support KYOTO ART CENTER and the growth of young artists and will continue to actively invest in partnerships with stakeholders and in turn contribute to the co-creation of values.
Event 1
Nukata Masashi and Yamashita Megumi’s “FURUMAiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”
【Date】August 6 (Sat) and 7 (Sun) 2022
Time: 13:00/17:00 on both dates
Start 13:00 (Open 12:30) / 17:00 (Open 16:30
Capacity : 30 people each
【Genre】Music, dance
Event 2
Artist in Residence Program 2022
Since its establishment in 2000, the KYOTO ART CENTER has been implementing the Artist in Residence (AIR) program. This program, which provides opportunities for artists to stay and work in Kyoto while experiencing its culture, has produced many encounters and artworks.
For the Financial Year of 2022, KYOTO ART CENTER invites Australian artist Jenna Lee to Kyoto in collaboration with Sidney’s Artspace. During her stay in Kyoto, Jenna Lee will conduct research on local craft artists and interact with artists and citizens of Kyoto.
【Program Stay】
August 31st 2022 (Wed) to October 31st (Mon)
2022 Artist Biography
Jenna Lee is an artist of Japanese, Chinese and Filipino ancestry, based in Sydney, Australia. Her work explores her own identity as a person with mixed ancestry, spanning from sculpture, installation, video, and body decoration. In 2020, Lee was the recipient of one of Australia’s main fine art awards at the 35th Telstra NATSIAA (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award) and a finalist in the 2019 John Fries Award for emerging and early career Australian and New Zealander artists.
Intellex is an industry pioneer in the renovation of condominium and has in 17 consecutive years sold more 1,000 units annually, making for a cumulative total of more than 25,000 units sold. In addition to the Tokyo metropolitan area, Intellex has expanded its business to major cities throughout Japan, offering one-stop services for various needs related to real estate, including not only renovation, but also home purchase (sale) and asset management.
- Representative: President & CEO, Toshinari Seiji
- Capital: 2,253,000,000 JPY
- HQ Location: 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
- Founded: July 1995
- Listed on TSE Prime Market (Stock Code 8940)
- Business: Renovation business, solution business, and real estate-related business
- Locations: Sapporo, Sendai, Saitama-Omiya, Tokyo-Nihonbashi, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Fukuoka