If you are still interested in a cashier career, also make sure to get detailed information on the salary, career prospects, educational requirements, working hours and job satisfaction of cashiers. Make the problem theirs, and just watch & learn. In general, you will also not be able to afford any luxury as a cashier. And thats without a global pandemic. Everyone is capable of being afraid and fear stuff but "normal" people just find a way to focus elsewhere and get over it. By combining all the elements in this guide, youll have a comprehensive solution that will enable your cashiers to perform well. The job centers on receiving payment, making change, processing credit card payments and printing receipts. after awhile start looking at them. I was one for a year and it was like I was an NPC from the Pokemon Center. I have been a cashier at many different stores. It's true that there are some lame customers out there who will want to ruin your day, but they are far fewer than you'd think, and building a rapport with the awesome customers will help you get through your day, and get over the anxiety. If you are afraid, have someone check out with you, like a friend or parent, until you feel comfortable to do it yourself. Ah, we all love to smile! So while it may take more time to walk cashiers through a number of situations during the onboarding process, it will pay dividends for your staff. Smiling. If you think about it it's actually one of the lowest-risk interactions you can have. and continue scanning items. Types of situations a cashier with social anxiety would encounter 1. Once upon a time, I was a sales manager at a retail store, and as a result, trained many employees to run cash registers. Realize that cashiers are just people. Just ask how are you? This triggers what he describes as safety signals, which make anxious shoppers feel better in the moment, but can backfire in the long run. Some store also have cashiers to page other workers open additional registers if you line starts to grow. The more you do it the better and more confident and comfortable you will soon get to feel about it. From dealing with irritable, hasty and impatient customers, to sometimes actually having an enlightening conversation with a charismatic person being a cashier is quite an interesting job with many ups and downs. They may have 10 that are more relevant., Agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder that causes fear of situations or places where its difficult to escape, keeps those with the condition out of crowded places like grocery stores or shopping malls. You would use what is known as exposure therapy, which is overcoming an often irrational fear through gradual interaction with the object causing the fear. You'll see that it's not as scary as it may seem. During a time when most of us are afraid to leave our homes, they brave public spaces every day so that we can still buy necessities. Many POS systems will automatically adjust prices based on a sales event or other pricing strategy, but if a customer has a question about the promotion, a reference list allows a cashier to quickly answer the question. Sure, during Christmas season when many people go shopping, you will have to work a little bit more. Some stores now use wood interiors, warm lighting and wall ivy to make shoppers more comfortable while muffling anxiety-triggering sounds like shopping carts and loud speakers. On one end you have the people who cant wait to go to the grocery store. They may try to make an expensive purchase with a stolen credit card. For every person that was grumpy when I was working at a cashier, there was something amazing too. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks.. Since obesity can lead to many serious health problems, you should make sure to work out properly after work as a cashier in order to avoid those issues. My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people about the different career paths that are possible in our current state of the world. It could make their day.. Thanks, I just got back from my second day of training. Originally Answered: How does a person with social anxiety work as a cashier? They may not have 100 bottles of olive oil. Cashiers also dont have regular work weeks as most other people do. Yet, you will not have to ruin your health like many other people who have to stress their bodies at work on a regular basis. Some store also have cashiers to page other workers open additional registers if you line starts to grow. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. From dealing with irritable, hasty and impatient customers, to sometimes actually having an enlightening conversation with a charismatic person being a cashier is quite an interesting job with many ups and downs. Ask alot if questions if you feel the need to. You can program the memory structure in your brain to see grocery stores as shrug emoji instead of Jaws music. I cant. I hated when people expected me to be able to figure out their exact change in my head, says Monica Bender, who worked as a cashier in college. Now they have pictures of the food on the screens so it should not be that hard. Being a Cashier can be mentally hard Starting at the same screen, scanning and bagging items over and over again can become boring and be hard mentally. Others, like ShopRite, even offer in-store registered dieticians to help customers with food decisions. What kind of operation do you think this is and why do you think I can control the prices?. Packed aisles, noisy carts and decision-making overload which cause pit-in-the-stomach stress on an ordinary grocery trip are now at an all-time high. So maybe the cashier is having just as hard time as you. They have to be able to spot a fraudulent return. Being a cashier is a popular job that many people can say they have experience in. If someone is sensitive to their heart racing [before grocery shopping], I might get that person to run in place for a whole minute before going to Kroger, because theyre confronting the symptoms and the situation, he said. The supermarket is filled with uncertainty parking spots, crowds, decisions making it a hotbed of anxiety triggers. At the POS, give cashiers key references such as a list of the latest promotions. If you make a mistake cashing someone out, its ok because co workers also make mistakes even if they worked there for years. Even without an outbreak, psychologists can attest: Grocery store anxiety is absolutely real and many are struggling with it now more than ever. Maybe youre just venting about the cost of living these days, but please dont complain about the stores prices to the cashiers. You can be cheery and what not but someone will come up to your register and say something smart or be a dick for no good reason that'll piss you off. Then you will realize there is nothing to be afraid of. A cashier must be competent with a POS system to ensure accurate and efficient sales transactions. Try to think about and focus on something that makes you calm or happy and remember theyre human too, just like you! As the last employee a customer interacts with before leaving the store, a cashier creates a lasting impression that. I made a lot of good money as a waitress and worked barely 20 hours a week in college, a lot less than what a cashier has to work in order to make the same money. Ask them for feedback to see how the onboarding process can be improved. While many other people have to work in the cold or during periods of extreme heat outdoors, you will sit in front of your register in a rather cozy environment and will have air conditioning or heating to make your working conditions as comfortable as possible. You don't pay Highthoe prices, you piece of shit. Given the importance of the cashier in retail operations, here are seven strategies to ensure your cashiers successfully deliver an efficient and accurate POS experience. The Struggles Of Being A Cashier 1. Working the 12 items or less register is a huge pain in the ass. "In 20 years from now, is this going to affect me?" This includes retailers, grocery stores and many others. Sure, this also depends on the company you work for and also on your boss. Working as a cashier can also be dangerous. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. We all had experiences with new people at a job. Cashiers have a job to do. You will also not have the luxury to work from home as a cashier. Tomas E. Gaston And oh man, people would go ballistic over that one, especially if it was 11:45. This is just one of the 21 things that go on behind the aisles in a grocery store that you probably dont know about. Vary the day of the week, whether youre going with or without someone, leaving your phone in the car these are all variables that manage the associated distress, he said. You have something you want from them. WebDisadvantages of Working as a Cashier Cashiers are replaceable Many cashiers will lose their jobs in the future Cashiers dont make good money Many cashiers need a second job You will not be able to afford any luxury Hard to plan your life in general Cashiers have a rather low social standing Overweight may become a problem There's nothing great about it. Eventually, your way up to making a small, unessential purchase - this way you can back out if it becomes too scary. About the experience part: start out at a chain. Also it would be great to be introduced to a cashier out of uniform. I just can't stop stressing over the whole "what could go wrong" aspect. Remember that they're just people like you, and that it's literally their job to be nice to you. It sounds like you are experiencing some social anxiety. You will sit at the register and make sure that people will pay the correct amount for the goods they bought. Ask alot if questions if you feel the need to. There's the sale people who will complain about how something should be on sale but they're fucking idiots and didn't read the requirements right. Cashiers stop fraud. People who just in general find something to complain about. Working the express register. Follow these suggestions to implement fraud prevention into a cashiers responsibilities. According to Chevese Turner, chief policy and strategy officer at the National Eating Disorders Association, another form of grocery store anxiety stems from judgmental glances cast by fellow shoppers. Then you will realize there is nothing to be afraid of. What Types of Homeowners Insurance Policies Are Available? you can talk as little as you please and when the cashier has finished scanning your stuff you can pack your purchases and leave. How frequent are anxiety attacks usually. This type of positive and uplifting store interaction could curb your own grocery anxiety, too. When they come across such a fraudulent situation, they then must follow the appropriate protocols to deal with it. Prepare for it mentally first. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer). Consequently, even if you work hard, it may not be enough to make real progress in this field. While people will often appreciate your work, you will just not be admired the same way as people who work in jobs where they can save lives. Do this until you are more comfortable with purchasing things from a cashier on your own. First of all motherfucker I didn't charge you shit. What appears a straightforward process actually involves many complexities. People would make demeaning comments about my intelligence like I was stupid because I was working a register, says Shaw. WebBeing a cashier is scary, its scary for me. There are jerks, sure, but most people aren't jerks. Hence, make sure that you are willing to deal with snarky comments in this regard and that you have a stable mindset to ignore those people who will try to bring you down. Checking vs. Savings Account: Which Should You Pick? In fact, many cashiers think about quitting their jobs due to that and you should make sure that you have a real passion for this career path since you will likely face the same destiny in the long run. Thus, no job is the same and job descriptions may not completely fit your individual experiences. Cashiers can catch these situations by employing steps such as checking ID and matching credit card signatures. After the cashier feels comfortable in a real-world setting with actual customers, they can then start processing transactions by themselves. Introversion and shyness (personality characteristics) are not social anxiety (mental distress). You don't even think about it when you are ringing upitems. In fact, I show you all pros and cons of being a cashier in the following chapters. Moreover, since you will not earn enough, you will also not be able to save enough money for retirement, which can lead to serious old-age poverty once you get to retirement age and are no longer able to work anymore. , another form of grocery store anxiety stems from judgmental glances cast by fellow shoppers. Sure, you may still have to do some physical work. Because the cashier impacts the customer experience and the handling of sales so directly, investing in a strong cashier onboarding and training process is essential for retail stores to succeed. I know for me the first couple of weeks were horrible because I was so nervous, but eventually you get the hang of it. I still dream about the pizza. but then a customer turns up and they don't want me to support them or interact with them in any meaningful way or do anything else that makes me fear failing them or hurting them like what happened before. A position as a cashier involves dealing with the public, handling money, making change, and sometimes working under pressure. However, you will just not work more than 40 hours most of the time and this allows you to spend plenty of leisure on the things you like more apart from work. Also make sure to check out the following articles: Advantages and disadvantages of working as a translator, Advantages and disadvantages of working as an animal trainer, Advantages and disadvantages of working as a babysitter, https://www.bls.gov/oes/2018/may/oes412011.htm. In New York, it used to be illegal to buy alcohol before noon on Sunday, recalls Sarah Shaw, who worked at a grocery store during high school. I get a lot of repeat customers, so me & my team just make fun of the terrible customers to add levity to the situation. Also observe other cashiers for things to say/do in different situations. Worded differently, what are you afraid of? Some people aren't nice, yeah, but most people are. What are the procedures for moving cash from the register to the in-store safe? But do you know who is? And the cashier is just there to help you, not inflict anxiety. Try to motivate yourself to stick to this by reminding yourself that by doin all this you will feel better, and that you will have succeeded. As a cashier practices what to do in each scenario, they also deepen their knowledge of the POS system. In turn, many people will suffer from financial problems from student loan debt while you as a cashier will not have to deal with this issue. Its really bad form to return something that youve already gotten plenty of use from. If youre ever worried about returning an item, these are the stores with the best policies. Also it would be great to be introduced to a cashier out of uniform. This is particularly tough for those in higher-weight bodies, due to internal and external stigmas and pressures. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Smiling. I feel extremely pressured as if I'm not quick enough, my hands get shaky and sweaty, face gets flustered, and I tend to forget scanning some things which result me in having to pay the loss. However, if you live in one of those expensive regions, you should probably go for a different career path to avoid those financial problems that can really ruin your life. For all the nice and pleasant people they'll be 10x more assholes, people who walk up in a bad mood, people who talk on their phone, people who say nothing and look away and make the whole experience awkward. Many or all of the products here are from our partners that compensate us. Ask alot if questions if you feel the need to. They not only must learn the POS system, they must be acquainted with store policies, sales and marketing promotions, and the merchandise. Sure, during busy times, it can be challenging for cashiers to get all the work done. As a cashier all we want to do is help you! As the last employee a customer interacts with before leaving the store, a cashier creates a lasting impression that can encourage patrons to return. Most cashiers also dont feel stressed at all. Sorry. To achieve this objective, allow the cashier to gain familiarity with the POS equipment and software before being asked to work the register in front of customers. Dont let the register overwhelm you. 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