Naruto looked shocked as he saw Sasuke do this. "That little brat. Inari looked at Naruto in aw as he saw this, but still had a little bit of his old nature still with him. Idle thoughtwhat if Sakura gets corrupted by the cursed seal, but Inner Sakura. You could free yourself from him. It might be an odd point of commonality with Naruto who has his own 'Naruko' routine. She reprimanded me for it and told me to never use it in front of tou-san. I did so, but on one day I was attacked by a large wolf and was forced to use it in self defense. My kaa-san was one of those that managed to escape and hide herself from them while most others were not as fortunate. Like if even Chunin+ Kunoichi are in constant danger of being left defenseless & raped Id think more would change then Naruto having to make sure he is the straightest man in Konoha. If it weren't for the Anbu and Hokage-ojij arriving on time I would most likely have been burned alive as I was crucified.". That said, I think that it's kinda rushed, especially Haku's development. ], Kagome and the Pirate Captain, The Silver Hanyou. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara's plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. A good tool provides for its master. Not you!". It does give me heightened senses so I remembered your scent." So I will oppose you to save these people since it is the right thing to do. ", The girl's heart dropped as she heard that. Not getting a response she could only figure it was. "You don't have to be formal with me. Naruto abused at a young age strives to become stronger, with the help of kurama he sets out on his journey. I thought I felt something familiar. Additionally if Fem!Haku is so scared of unwanted attention, then (1. intentionally or inadvertently being the cause of a guy having to consider his sexuality is still dangerous to you anyways) *whats wrong with Kakashi for letting Sakura walk so unprotected? "Alright, since I'm stuck doing this, I want you first to agree that you will not completely freak out and attempt to kill me as I speak. Leave any comments for a relationships you might want to see. Perhaps searching can help. AH!". Find the original work here. "Okay what happened? "Is this the first time you've seen death?" By Naruto-kun." ", Sasuke turned back around and glared at Naruto. I had been reading it under the assumption it was fem!Haku then I found out woops it wasn't but the writing was fantastic so I asked in a review and the author was kind enough to upload a non-Yaoi version. If I was found being beaten for the said reason it was execution. "Otooji! I've never called anyone kun before!'. . Its the original story, Im rewriting small bits, minor changes, some major, and hopefully I do it justice. It seems like you passed. She was surprised by the reaction and blushed somewhat as she saw where his head was between her breasts, but lightly hugged him back. She wont be weak. ', "Kaa-san!" ", She nodded in understanding. Anyways, let's go get some ramen!". who's to say sound can't have there own Sannin? "You didn't!". Naruto finds out about Uzumaki clan when he was 4 years old. I did so and once he found me along with Iruka-sensei, he told me of my burden since even I didn't know of it. If we both manage to get out of this, would you like to go out for something to eat? ", Haku was debating on whether or not to put him in a near death state again to shut him up or to just tell him. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A young girl wearing a pink kimono was walking through the forest looking for herbs to help her precious person recover. Naruto nodded in understanding, who would want their child to be killed for something they couldn't control, which made him feel more connected to the girl in front of him. , , . Naruto, and Haku fell in love. Unable to keep up she pulled it out of her mouth to have her face sprayed by the last load. That is going to be a hard obstacle to overcome, especially if he doesn't use it till he has no choice as it would seem from that kid.' "He is my master, the one that saved me from my darkness. :evil2: with sakura being either naruto or sasuke's weapon? Sasuke rolled his eyes at him. She looked somewhat stunned at his knowledge of plants and what they do so she asked. I love this pairing. Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked our village for reasons unknown. "So you consider Zabuza precious to you then." Naruto lowered his head in sadness and fear, letting his bangs cover his eyes as he spoke I guess you'll leave now that you now what I am since you probably hate me now. "At least he could actively show his dislike for me instead of making it seem like he doesn't care at all!". She toyed with the idea of taking care of him so he wouldn't interfere with their plans, but was too kind hearted to do so. Naruto is cursed instead. The Final battle on the bridge that would later be named the Great Naruto Bridge, are way different. ", Haku was not expecting to hear something like that had to think about it for a second before nodding her head. "Alright, I heard someone hear asking for ramen, so let's go. maybe going down the same path as orochimaru. ", He shrugged his shoulders and went back to picking more herbs as Haku mentally fought over whether or not to tell him. Anime/Manga Fantasy Naruto Fanfiction Demon Haku Yuki Figure Skater Reader. With a new resolve and a promise to fulfill.He will finally accept the demons that plague him that will set him on the path to greatness. Naruto moaned loudly as he felt the warm of Haku's mouth around his little soldier and tried to buck his hips, but were held down by Haku who had abandoned massaging his sack. "I want you to kill my brother. I enjoy the ship as well. Someone that brought actual meaningful change to the Mist that not even Zabuza could bring - because perhaps their ideologies or visions for the future were too radical. Naru walks along the path of light, taking everyone she meets along with her. ", Finishing that, Sasuke turned around and started to walk off once more as Naruto walked behind him still a little shell shocked. Haku sighed deeply as she looked sadly at Naruto. In form of a pair of twins that are not really happy with the arrangement. She sighed before breathing deeply. Your team left saying you would be out for most of the day so I didn't think you be up this early. And her being taken from T&I would probably have happened as soon as she entered the village. Oh, by the way, my name is Haku. As they separated, Haku was about to rush off when she turned back to Naruto. ", Haku purposely left out the he was Zabuza, but Naruto didn't need to know that but she knew he would ask. It seems we cant find what youre looking for. "So Arashi-kun. Konoha Bashing, Council Bashing. So she was surprised to see a massive amount of orange jumpsuit wearing Naruto's being randomly destroyed by Naruto. It is no surprise to me that said child would grow up to try and hide aspects of themselves. The pain, sorrow and fear, all hid behind her beautiful smile and loving aura. Their son - Naruto Namikaze - grows up haunted by the attack, reviled by the village he hopes to one day save. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. ", Sasuke rolled his eyes at her before shaking his head. She had a slight drool on her face as she noticed the light reflected his complexion perfectly and made him all the more irresistible. in /home/saeco44/ . Once they managed to get them on, even if it was sloppily done, they turned to each other quickly locked lips once more. Its why the "I'm a Boy" I've always viewed is a parting comment as one for Haku to attempt to maintain a foothold of control over these two identities that are slamming together, due to Naruto's presence. Haku was slightly glad that the old man hokage, as he called, went that far to protect him sense Naruto seemed to be very kind individual. "What took you so long? Her only dream is to get a gold medal during the Final. Truthfully I wanted to stay dead, but, The universe decided to give me my memories with a new life. He strives to change Sasuke's future. Haku said defensively not wanting to have her master thinking that. Lemons later in the story. What if he was seen as the 'demon'? So Sasuke becomes the redeemer and Naruto becomes the dark one? Sasuke slumped to the ground but Naruto caught him before he fell. Or, Naruto goes blind and ends up stronger as a result. ", She looked up to see a scowling Uchiha looking at her. He took me away with him and gave me a purpose to live for him and serve him without question. Within minutes the two were asleep in each others arms. ", Haku looked at him in shock. She twitched at that fact. ", She deeply sighed, hating when she was right. I couldn't see you be hurt." ', Naruto shook his head at her. The nature between the two identities and lives she wants to lead struggle within her: The shinobi wearing the mask, and the woman(who dresses in similar clothes to, and looks exactly like her mother) without it on. I'm not a demon Am I?". Haku smiled lightly at this and kissed him on the lips lightly before head down stairs and stopping at the zipper of his pants. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. She married my father who happened to be one of the bloodline haters, and when she realized it she hid my power away from myself.". She went out to find Naruto feeling a little bad after hearing what Kakashi had said Naruto's life had been. Did you mean to use "continue 2"? As Haku tongue pressed against his lips, Naruto couldn't help but give into his desire and start kissing her back making Haku moan. The two just stared wide eyed in horror at Sasuke before he spoke. Remembering the video she once got caught watching by Zabuza, who got the hell out of their not wanting to have to explain it to her, opened her mouth and engulfed the head with her mouth. "What, the reason you didn't bring any food?" Sakura raised an eyebrow and Naruto's face fell. "There is nothing on. The two kissed passionately as their hands roamed around each others bodies. Why gender bend when its unnecessary. I don't know what youre talking about. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto.". "I became an orphan that day and had to dig through trash just to survive. if yes then without the whole 'precious person' speech for him to go on i could see him going a bit darker. 'What the hell! It's more removed from canon than the other fic. ", Naruto sweat dropped and scratched the back of his head embarrassed. Language: English Words: 232,851 Chapters: 55 /? They can get very overprotective over their pink princess. After pushing she off he spoke. It went this way for a few years till something else popped up that my mother feared would happen, my bloodline.". And he found the perfect world and history for him to interfere. Naruto's a bit wary about the situation, of course, and learns that being responsible for someone isn't all that fun. Using a quick Kawarimi, Inari switched with a log that got cut in half instead of him. And, I'm pretty sure that has a great deal to do with Naruto's finding and establishing a new nindo. Using the last of his strength, Naruto pushed himself off of the Kakashi's impaled hand and fell to the ground. Naruto winced at this part but let her continue on. Any FanFiction where Naruto is Haku's Master or something like that? It's why she considers killing Naruto. Please do it". "It was like this for three years and every year I failed the gennin exam since they allowed me to take it early. "Why do you have so many tattoos?"' What if he was tried of it? Lemons later in the Story. "Since our money ticket is gone, I guess we'll kill all of you and raid the town for its money now. Sasuke rolled his eyes at her before starting to walk back towards where he was when Naruto stopped him. "You might want to sit down; this is going to take awhile. Press J to jump to the feed. The gray side. Im very interested in reading this. Haku screamed out as he inserted a finger into her soaking wet vagina. My first time writing a story so bear with me. As Kakashi's Raikiri came closer to Haku, Naruto began to get a tunnel vision and suddenly felt much fast than he ever been before. But it's also important to see it from Haku's perspective: This was her day off. Sakura's eyes widen and looked down in sorrow as she tilted her head towards where he was. "And what did you get from them? But, still. Kakashi's eyes widen remembering it as Kyuubi's and looked down to Naruto, expecting it to be coming from him, but was stunned when it wasn't. Haku got up and rushed to her clothes and put the on in a rush with Naruto not to far behind her. Kakashi slapped his forehead muttering about blondes that love flashy entrances while Zabuza through a few shuriken at the annoying blonde only for Haku to stop them. Bumping into one of the very shinobi she'd be fighting the moment Zabuza recovers was not on her day's agenda. Naruto numbly nodded at the statement while Sasuke scowled. "I thought I already explain it to you. ", He sighed and wiped his forehead before continuing. Also posted on FFN. So why are you out here? After the short pause, the girl was about to ask what was wrong when he spoke. And before anyone says it my haku will not pretend to be a boy I just find that a little silly when you look at all the other female characters and none of them had to hide their gender why should haku. "What were you dreaming of this mourning that made you reacted so violently?" Naruto Fanfiction; Naruto Ideas Naruto Haku's . Unlike the original, Orochimaru finds Naruto to be too much of a nuisance to be ignored but too intriguing to just kill. Haku smiled at the suffix and snuggled into Naruto as he hugged her tightly. "Well I better go train with teme or he'll get worried, even if he doesn't show it.". It was memories I thought I've berried long ago.". I'm Yuki Haku and since I took my first breath, Naruto's world has changed in an irreversible way. Posted By : / naruto and sakura namikaze time travel fanfiction / Under : . Einstein would be proud of her. "Naruto". Please wake up! ", Haku nodded at him. 'Damn! Yes this is a rework, I couldnt leave it unfinished and I have Ideas. This is so fucked up! Where are you." Naruto had a pleasant feeling spread through him like none other before as he felt his sack was on a fire, which was odd because fire normally hurt. "Well, it seems it was a good idea to come here after all. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Fem!Haku is a megamind genius. In the same tree, a red haired woman chuckled deeply at the sight before scowling as she realized what she was doing. "Oh, by the way. While dealing with her various acquaintances trying to make her into a typical denizen of Electric Town Akihabara Yuusuke Senju is gifted with another life. Naruto wants to Conquer the World Naruto is reincarnation of both Ashura and Indra Otsutsuki. All rights reserved. Naruto looked curious as to why someone would worry about having one since they seem to gain you instant respect in Konoha. Is really good, I have already read this, but thanks anyway :-), Haku is a female. . "I love to garden so I keep books on what plants do what so I can use them when needed.". Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto . "No, no, no. Naruto turned to Haku. Unlikely if he has no way to control it. ", Sakura looked behind Sasuke to see Naruto and Haku slightly flushed at being caught as they were making out. No Beta, i wrote most of this before I posted this, suck it up, i like it, and im sharing. 'I never did give her the chance to be herself. The two mouths closed in and locked lips and started to lightly kiss. As their climaxes receded both slumped to the ground and cuddled against each other, using the tree as support. "Yes, it would be helpful. ", Haku looked shifty eyed as if she was looking for a way out. Though if I knew this would happen I might have stuck around to get a few pointers when I'm ready to revive my clan. The fucker has over eight hundred channels and there is nothing on! "I thought I told you not to come. The story is pretty fantastic. The HORROR. Sakura passed out to blood lose as she noticed Naruto's equipment while Sasuke blushed heavily and cursed his luck that Sakura had to faint. As they released their kiss Haku stood up and walked to a nearby tree, which was oddly enough the one they were making out on earlier, and laid against and motioning Naruto over. Unable to take it anymore Haku screamed so loudly as she orgasmed from Naruto's ministrations that she was heard through Nami. ", (A/N: This is just a summary of what happened as the same as cannon). The girl noticed the darkness in his blue eyes and how different they were from their vibrant blue as he fought Zabuza. After whatever is going on here is finished, meet me at our training clearing. Naruto, and Haku fell in love. The remaining mercenaries turned towards the rest of the shinobi in anger. Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. What could possibly go wrong? Once Haku got them off she turned to Naruto only to find him staring her in the face before his head moved down towards her slit. "Okay something is definitely up. Unfinished. Grinning as he saw this reaction, Naruto decided to go further and insert his tongue in her slit making Haku moan in pleasure. Haku smiled at him and offered a hand to help him up, which he accepted. "Well anyways, get to work on the healing herbs.". naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction. The time has come, and he will fall. "The little prick at the house decided to be an asshole as well as Kakashi-teme. Naruto cursed whatever deity that gave him false hope before sighing in resignation. After a pregnant pause Naruto spoke again. ", Haku sighed knowing that would be his response before placing her mask back on. ", The mercenaries knowing they were out numbered ran off like cowards. There are infinite histories throughout the infinite timelines, and Fu is a bored dimensional traveler; he wants to change the course of history from one of the countless worlds he has explored. Child of the Touketsu Jurin 12. He holds her dream: to become Hokage. ", Haku sighed as she figured much, especially if they succeed. He remembered everything that involved Naruto in his past and smiled sadly before kneeling in front of him and whipping some of the blood of Naruto's mouth before cutting up in hand and mixing them and spoke so low that only Kakashi could hear him. ", Arashi nodded his head happily. Hyper masculine culture. I liked it for the most part. She screamed as she saw the mist fading and he was pinned to the spot by a large number of dogs with Kakashi charging at him with lighting covering his palm. After the destruction caused by Kyuubi, A and his group find a dying Kushina with a crying Naruto in her arms; feeling that he was not safe with the Masked Man around, she gives Naruto to him for safety. ", Hearing this had tears falling like streams from Naruto's eyes before he glomped Haku. His generation is filled with geniuses and everyone is convinced Naruto does not stand a chance keeping up with them. But I'm not sure I want to know now. She licked her lips at the thought of that and gripped his shaft in her hands and slowly started to pump it as she pulled herself closer to it. I ran to the house to see him covered in my kaa-san's blood. As the pain died down, Haku could feel nothing but pleasure as Naruto member stretch her walls, filling her up completely. He extended his hand to Haku which she accepted. "I told you I never would let anything harm you, tenshi. ", Sakura eyes widen and rushed towards the house. ", Sasuke coughed up some blood. 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